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Spotify Removed Nearly a Million Songs from Database – See Why

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Streaming giant “Spotify” had done what the music experts termed “Streaming cleansing” when they removed almost a million songs from their platform. Spotify which had received a lot of lashing from Artists in the past weeks is trying to remove a lot of contents violating their content policy

Reason for Songs Removal from Spotify

A lot of people are using all these services that sell plays and playlist publishing on streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. These premium services promises to get your artist profile and contents popular on spotify. Majority of these music services uses artificial method and bots to gather fake streams for their customers.

If you are an artist using one of those services, there is a probability that your music is no longer on the World’s number one music streaming platform. You need to check and see for yourself.

To be on a safer side, always make sure you promote your music on recognized playlist with organic reach. There are companies that sell artist services that gather real plays and followers on some of these music streaming platforms.

Don’t use bot to boost your music streaming numbers, bot is not your fan, if you are using that to beat the streaming algorigthm. It migth bounce back on you sooner than later.


Do you want to get your music on Boomplay and Shoplife Playlist, you can reach out to us via our email or the number below

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