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Prince Promise  – Jesus I Can’t Thank You Enough

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Popular UK based, Nigerian Gospel Minister, Prince Promise releases the much awaited Video of his song Titled, Jesus I Can’t Thank You Enough.

Jesus I Can’t Thank You Enough by Prince Promise

According to Prince Promise “This song is based on a true life story. If not for God, my daughter would have been crushed by the reversing car in the compound garage, but God saved her” This new Gospel Video comes after Obodobo Plenty Video by Prince Promise won the Best African Gospel Video Dancehall 2021.

This Video and reloaded audio is crafted with top notch Afrobeat acoustics and I assure you that it will be on your repeat track once you download and listen to it. Indeed, Jesus I can’t thank you Enough.

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Jesus I Can’t Thank You Enough Lyrics by Prince Promise

Wuoh Oh Oh Oh o o o o,Jesus muoo I cant thank you enoughThe Lord has seasoned my life with graceI am a testimony,It can only be God ooo,who never sleep no slumberYou’ve done it once again ooo,favour is my name ooo ,Jesus I can’t thank you enoughooo, ooooo.RepeatChorus:Jesus I can’t thank you enough ohwuo o oJesus I can’t thank you enough ohwuo o oJesus I can’t thank you enough ohwuo o oJesus I can’t thank you enoughwuo o oSolo: Mighty man of war,ocean divider oo,if not for you GodWhere would I beIsi iyi nke nduyou are the way makerwhen you say yes ooNobody can say noAny door you open oooNo man can shut itAny one you bless oooNo man can causeHeiii, My HallelujahBelong to you, belong you, belong to you,My HallelujahBelong to you, belongs you, belong to you,My Hallelujah ehTrio: Belong to you, belong you, belong to you,Jesus muoooo I can’t thank you enoughJesus I can’t thank you enoughWuoooo wuo o oJesus I can’t thank you enoughWuoooo wuo o oEven if I have million cows,it still won’t be enough,to appreciate what you’ve done,I can’t thank you enoughJesus I can’t thank you enoughWuoooo wuo o oJesus I can’t thank you enoughWuoooo wuo o oYou’ve been so good to me oooI cant thank you enough oooI cant thank you enough oooHeiYeshua HamashiachKadosh, Kadoshprotocol breakerJesus IgweOkakaOzo piatapiata nelu ogwu ( the one who matches upon thorns and nails without PPE)The Lord that answered by fireOgbara nkiti okwu juru nonu ya (the one who is silent but full of words of wisdom)The Lion of the tribe of JudeaAgu neche mba , (the Lion that protects the city)odogwu nagha (mighty warrior)JESUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSGoodness and mercy, grace and favorThat was , that is , that will be my portion ooGood Health and long lifeThat was , that is , that will be my portion ooI say, Joy and laughterThat was , that is , that will be my portion ooEwoo Jesus muuo I can’t thank you enoughRepeatI can never thank you enough oooo,WuOh Oh OhI can’t thank you enough oooowuo o oJesus muooooo, Jesus muooooooI cant thank you enoughJesus muooo, you made a way for mewhere there is no wayI cant thank you enoughMy loving father who loved me unconditionally,I can’t thank you enoughWuo

HeiiAka nagwo oria (the mighty healer)Ogbajiri Igwe kpo ya nku ( the one who break iron with bare hand as if it is firewood)Oke mmiri nebu ogbe (the big tsunami that breaks all barriers)Ozo piatapiata nelu ogwu ( the one who matches upon thorns and nails without PPE)JesuuuuuusThe Lord has seasoned my life with graceI am a testimony,It can only be God ooo,who never sleep nor slumberYou’ve done it once again ooo,favour is my name ooo ,Jesus I can’t thank you enoughooo,Wuooooo.

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