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Smen Music Shoplife

Connect to Hundreds of thousands of Online Users on our Network of Websites even as you Make Money in your Shoplife Wallet

Become a Content Creator to Earn Shoplife Coins
You can Post Song Reviews, Album reviews, Lyrics, Playlists, Music Videos, DJ Mixtapes and even Music Business Articles. You can also like, votes and comment other users post to earn more
You can post divine inspirations to bless other members, motivations, quotes, eBooks and books excerpts, poems, short stories and even inspirational videos from YouTube. You can like, vote and comment on other users contents to earn more.
Digital Contents
Deals and Coupons on Fashion, Foods, Phones, electronics, health & beauty, home & living, sports and other to be promoted with Music and other digital contents. Reviewing and rating deals and coupons will give you opportunity to earn greater Credits.
Music Deals
Creative Business Adverts
Questions & Answers on how to Earn with Smen Music Shoplife
Do you have Affiliate System ?

We have an affiliate system to earn into your Shoplife Wallet directly. If you  review a deal, you will earn some cash in your Shoplife Wallet. When you share your affiliate link and someone register through your link, you earn. If the person you refer later buy songs or other deals, you also earn referral Comission.

What is Commission on referrals?

When you refer any users to subscribe to any of the three Smen Music Shoplife Packages (Edutainment, Playlist and Commerce), you earn 50% commission. For example if someone sign up through you and buy the Edutainment package of N2000, you will earn N1000 into your Shoplife Wallet, to be withdrawn into you bank account.

Is it Free?

Nothing of value is free. We want all Creative Businesses and Fans to co-promote each other contents, products and services and create abundance for each other. You need to subscribe to one of the three Smen Music Shoplife Packages

How to start earning?

To start earning Souljar Coins, you can start contributing in the community by liking, voting, commenting, streaming & downloading music, giving ratings and reviews. Earning Souljar Coins comes from posting your own contents so others can like, vote, comments, download and stream, rate and reviews. You can also earn through referrals

Which payment Systems do you have?

All your Souljar Coins will be converted into your Shoplife Africa’s  Wallet and you can Withdraw it into any Bank account of your choice.

Do I need to have experience?

You don’t need to have expereince in blogging or online Content Creation. In fact, if you can post on Facebook and Twitter, you will be able to participate on the Smen Music Shoplife Community.

Smen Music Shoplife is a combined digital Promotional Strategy that that Partners with Creative Businesses & brands to Create Abundance for each other via Advertising and Collaboration

Some Creative Businesses using Smen Music Shoplife
Check what other Creators and Brands think about Smen Music Shoplife (S.M.S)
As the CEO of Choppinglife.com , the Premium package allow me to learn about Digital Marketing while Promoting my brand
Dr. Victor
I never thought I could learn all this and earn at the same time. It's so much fun. I already begin to apply the knowledge in my music career Journey
Sterry Workhit
Producer/ Recording Artist
S.M.S is an awesome initiative from Souljar Mind, I use it to advertise my Travel and Tour business, I must confess, it's very effective. Kudos
Crownfit Whyte
CEO - Asa Global Travels
Smen Music Shoplife
We bring Commerce and Contents together to Promote Music & Brands

We Promote Creative Businesses and connect them to their fans. You can create a branded Affiliate store as a creative business.

You can earn Souljar Coins which you can later convert to Cash in your Smen Music and Shoplife Africa’s Wallet and withdraw to your Bank

Yes, you can promote your products and service via Adverts and Deals on Smen Music, Shoplife and on all Souljar Mind Entertainment Network of Websites and Apps. You can purchase either the Playlist or Commerce Package of Smen Music Shoplife to start submitting your deals.

You will learn some Life’s valuable skills and you enjoy edutainment while you network. Smen Music Shoplife is about interaction with others to exchange information and develop professional(business) or social contacts.

Become an influencer on all Smen Music Shoplife Platforms. This an headless Music Commerce Network to promote your Creative brand. We ensure good collaboration on the platform.

Smen Music Shoplife is a Music Commerce Network that uses Edutainment and Inspirational Contents to Connect you to the best brands. You can post all by yourself your songs, playlists, lyrics, videos, inspiring contents and good news for others to read and learn from.

You can also Stream Nigerian Songs, Song Lyrics, Video or Music News on the Network. The more you use your Shoplife account to stream and post, the more Shoplife Coins you earn, the more money you will be able to withdraw.

Post and Recommend Products and Deals to other Users and Vote the Best Deals to earn Shoplife Coins

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Smen Music
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