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Making Money with your Music Online in 2023 in Nigeria

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Taking your music career beyond the current limitations should be your goals in the year 2023. Out of all the mirage of issues facing Indie Musicians, generating consistent revenue streams is top of the Priority. Music Artists in Nigeria wants to Learn how they can earn maximally with their music in the year ahead. What are the ways to earn with your music in the coming year? I will list some actionable insights that will not just give you the revenue streams but impact you with the skills needed.

How to Make Money with My Music Online in Nigeria in 2023

Develop a Complimentary Skills

In this day and age, you should not see yourself as just a music artists anymore, you are a Content Creator and also a Curator. For your music to give you access to great revenue channels, you need to be immersive into online contents. What other skills can you develop that will help you to fast-track your music marketing goals? You need to look deep inside of yourself and discover it. It’s not just about the numbers, it’s much more about the impact. While making good numbers with your music can seems good, it’s such a vanity metrics that don’t give you lasting fulfilment. Meanwhile, when you have something else to offer your fans, they will not just give you more money for your craft, they will also give you much needed attention that can even extend your arts to their social circles. Do you love to write, talk, Print or even make people laughs? You can use this skills to complement your music and push your career into a greater height.

Master The Online Channels

In the marketing mix, we have the product, price, place, and promotion. Your song is your product and the place is the online channels. When Indie music artists thinks about Music Promotions, they thinks about social media. Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok are just some of the social media channels that are part of the whole Online channels you can use to promote your music. We have Email marketing, Blogs, Mobile Channels and Social Medias. You need to master all the online channels if you want to make good revenue from your music in the year ahead.

Set a Target of Minimum 1000 True Fans each Quarter

It’s a proven theory that you need just 1000 true fans to start earning with your music. True fans are the segment of your fanbase that will not just spread the words about you and your music but will also buy into anything you offer. In every quarter of the year, you can set a target to get 1000 true fans for your music and you will keep your revenue streams higher in the new year.

Embrace Music Merchandise

As a Content Creator, one of the way to earn with your artistic talent is through merchandise. The music streaming business might not give you the expected revenue you want. Embracing music merchandising for your fans will not just help you to make money but can also be a channel of promotion for you. Imagine your 1000 fans are wearing your T-shirts or Hats all around your town or city, you will not just be on top of people’s mind but will also boost your musical brand in their eyes.

With these four tips, I surely know that you can make good revenue with your music online in the year 2023.

Let us help you to build a memorable music brand.

Call or whhatsapp Ola on 08162124564 to get started.

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