Netherland based Nigeria gospel music singer and recording artist Joe Eze releases his highly anticipated song titled MY SHIELD.
Download Joe Eze – My Shield MP3
WHEN I found you I found the peace of my life WHEN I found you I found the joy of my soul WHEN I fou..nd you I found the love of my life Chorus
FOR you are my shi…eld and my buck….ler I put all my trust in you o lord I FOU…..nd my peace in you o lord I FOUND my peace in youuuuu yah yah yeah¡¡¡¡
YOU are my shield and my buck…..ler I put my trust in you o lord.
I fou….nd peace in you o lordI found my peace in youuuuu
2) LORD when I found you i fou..nd my peace of mind When I found you I found the joy of my soul
When I fou..nd you I found the love of my life
1b) FOR you are my shield and buck….ler I put all my trust in you o lord.
I fou….nd peace in you o lord¡¡¡¡
I FOUND my peace in youuuuu ×3