One of the most powerful force in the Universe is the force of expectation. The book of life, precisely Matthew 11 verse 12 says that “the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force“. One of those forces is the force of expectation.
You’ll be bombarded by thousands of requests demanding your attention every day. Learn to distinguish the trivial and the vital. -Maxime Lagacé
When you begin to give attention to something, your thoughts energy begin to concentrate on that thing and therefore, your perception of it increase.
As with any force in the Universe, it can be a two edge sword. It’s very paramount you choose the good side. Expect good always and shun out everything that is contrary to the knowledge of God.
Focus on the solution, not the problem. -Jim Rohn
This is where spiritual understanding of the truth comes in. the more attention and energy you give to something, the more it will grow and become a larger part of your life. It’s a spiritual law, so you need to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive side of things always.
While your faith determines your possibilities, your expectation or hope is what define your realities.
Once you focus on your gifts instead of your problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere. -Nishan Panwar‘
With focus on the right things, the journey to your better self begins today. Always stay focus, positive and strong.
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